Our September Newsletter GoodGrandma℠ recommends the IDEA of school year calendaring. A prepared grandma is a GoodGrandma! Here’s our suggestion: Ask mommies for school holiday and bell schedules, dance recital dates, game schedules, music recitals, etc. On your master calendar write down the important dates and/or put them in your smart phone calendar with reminders. Keep the information in a central location and post upcoming schedules, such as sporting events you don’t want to miss.
If you live near your grandchildren the bell schedules can come in handy when and if you are needed to pick up kids. You will have the release times and locations ready as a quick reminder. If your grandkids live faraway and you want to have a surprise visit, you will be prepared to show up at the correct time, and don’t forget to video tape their reactions.
Acquiring all of the grandchildren’s school and extra curricular schedules and calendaring the school year makes it easier when scheduling visits and play dates.
Here are a few additional IDEAS for keeping in touch with family and organized for the new school year:
- Choose a family New School Year Goal
- Select a Family Motto for the school year
- Use Google Doc and create a month to month schedule to share with the family
- Set up a group family text to stay in contact with everyone
Remember, here at GoodGrandma we Give Grandmas Good Ideas, but you can choose which IDEAS you want use and then leave the rest. No one can do it all and this is a guilt free site!
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