Good (Humored) Grandma 🤪
Knock knock! Who’s there? Cows go. Cow’s go who? 🐄 #GoodGrandma #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #GoodHumoredGrandma #FunnyGrandma #SillyGrandma #KnockKnock #Cows #Who #Moo
Good (Humored) Grandma 🤪
Knock knock! Who’s there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? 🍦 #GoodGrandma #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #GoodHumoredGrandma #FunnyGrandma #SillyGrandma #KnockKnock #IceCream #LetMeIn
Glorious Grandkids 🧡
#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #APlaceForGrandparents #JoinTheFun #GloriousGrandchildren #SevenEleven #JulyEleventh #SlurpeeDay #GetASlurpee #MakeAMemory
Good (Humored) Grandma 🤪
Why shouldn’t you tell secrets in a cornfield? 🌽 #GoodGrandma #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #GoodHumoredGrandma #FunnyGrandma #SillyGrandma #Corn #CornOnTheCob #CornChowder #ThereAreTooManyEars
Good (Humored) Grandma 🤪
Why do we never tell jokes about pizza? 🍕 #GoodGrandma #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #GoodHumoredGrandma #FunnyGrandma #SillyGrandma #Pizza #Cheesy
Good (Humored) Grandma 🤪
What do you call a sad strawberry? 🍓 #GoodGrandma #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #GoodHumoredGrandma #FunnyGrandma #SillyGrandma #Strawberry #BlueBerry
Sunday Supper IDEA 🍽
Do you have family dinner traditions? GoodGrandma℠ has monthly family gatherings. We meet on the fourth Sunday of each month. There is absolutely no pressure …
Candy Canes IDEAS!
GoodGrandma℠ has a few Candy Cane IDEAS! Papa Rich bought Sweetarts Candy Canes and Starburst Candy Canes for the grandkids; they were a hit! Not …
Glorious Grandchildren 🧡
#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #APlaceForGrandparents #JoinTheFun #GloriousGrandchildren #GingerbreadHouse #Tradition #Frosting