Long Distant Grand-Parenting

If you are like most grandparents, you want nothing more than to spend time with the grandkids. It doesn’t help if they live far away. I recently saw a post that said, “There should be a law that grandchildren can’t live more than an hour away from grandparents!” I couldn’t agree more! However, we all know we don’t live in a perfect world, and we can’t choose where our adult children live. 🏠 🌎 🏡

So, what’s a grandma to do? How do we stay in touch, create memories, and build relationships with her grandchildren? GoodGrandma℠ has a few IDEAS we’d like to share. We hope you will share your IDEAS too!

  • Book Club ~ Grandpa Bob and granddaughter Madison created a book club. They read the books and discuss them on the phone or through emails. Many of the books they have read have become movies. They then schedule a date to see it together (See post picture of Grandpa Bob and Madison at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two).
  • Grandma Sent A Box ~ Send an unexpected treat in the mail. Send a new game or toy from Amazon. Send a box with holiday gifts and surprises. It’s always fun to get something from grandma.
  • Monthly Subscriptions ~ Sign up for Early Moments or Mine Chest monthly subscriptions. It’s easy, sign up right here on GoodGrandma. I know my grandchildren have loved receiving the monthly books and games!
  • Photo Gift ~ Take a photo of yourself, frame it, and give it to your grandchild. Grandma Connie did this. She gave one a picture to each of her grandchildren. Having a photo of you in their room is an excellent reminder of grandparents who live far away.
  • Snail Mail ~ Write a note and send it in the mail. It’s always a great surprise! Add a sheet of stickers for some extra fun.
  • Video Chats ~ Schedule a time to video chat, FaceTime, or Skype. Video chats are an easy way to see each other when you visit! Need some technology help on “How To” video chat? Check out our post, VIDEO CHAT ~ A ‘How To’ Post. My sister FaceTimes her grandchildren on a regular basis. Nana tells us her IDEAS.

Jackson, age 3, FaceTimes when he is eating lunch. His mom sets the phone up so we can see each other. Sometimes I read a fav book at my house – sometimes we pull faces at each other  – or just talk about what he did that morning or about memories we have together. 
Sophie, age 1, has to hold the phone when I FaceTime. So I hear her breathing and just see her nose and eyes.


We hope our suggestions help in building a long-distance relationship with your grandkids. We would love to hear your IDEAS! Please share your comments below. 👵🏻🧡💡

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