GG Springtime Book Recommendation by Our Book Guru Grandma

A wonderful book to read with your grandchildren in the springtime is the story of Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. In this story, a girl tells her grandfather all that she would do when she grows up. He was an artist, and wisely advised her that she must do one more thing, and that was to make the world more beautiful. After she grows up and has seen the world and done all that she wanted, she buys a little cottage by the sea. She is bothered by back pain and spends a lot of time in her bed. In the spring, she sees the lupines coming up, and the following spring, there are more, as the seeds have spread. She orders from the seed catalogs, and purchases five bushels of lupine seeds, and filled her pockets full and scattered seeds along the way. Her village became beautiful with the colors of lupines in the spring.
I like this story because it shows we all can make a difference, even in small ways, to do our part in making our surroundings change for the better. I highly recommend this book for those ages five through ten. ~ Book Guru Grandma

Barbara Cooney – Wikipedia

Barbara Cooney – Thrift Books

Stories That Build Character

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