August 2018 Recipe of the Month

As a mother I have always had veggies and ranch dip ready for my kids to snack on, especially as an after school snack. It’s a healthy snack and one the kids love. I encouraged eating vegetables from the time my kids were little. We had a story about the broccoli being trees and the ranch being the snow on the trees. Then a big giant, the kids, would come along and eat the snow covered trees. They loved it!

When we moved back near family and we would go to family parties, gatherings, reunions, and such, I was always given the assignment to bring a veggie tray. I have probably made hundreds of veggie trays over the years. To spice things up, I started to make the veggie trays into different shapes and objects to go along with the theme of the gathering. I made an eagle to go along with my nephew receiving his Eagle as a Boy Scout. I have made veggie trays using a football platter for the Super Bowl gatherings. I made a veggie tray that looked like a flag for the 4th of July. Every Thanksgiving I make a turkey veggie tray using a pineapple on it’s side. My mom, Grandma Connie, made a felt head that I use every year. One thanksgiving, Abby and I made several turkey treats. We did the vegetable turkey, of course, as well as cookie turkeys and a cheese ball turkey.

Over time my siblings started to tease me about my themed veggie trays and began to send me suggestions on social media. My sister, Anglea, would post random veggie try pictures on my Facebook. It made me laugh! One suggestion she had was the Train Veggie Tray. She cracks me up! It’s obviously become more than just a food assignment.

I have also have learned everyone’s favorites. Grandpa Bob, Papa Rich, and Clay really like radishes. Jane loves “real” carrots. The ones that you peel and cut up, not just the bags of baby carrots. Lauren likes the red baby peppers. Jenny likes the cucumbers. I have a wavy blade that I use to cut the cucumbers that make them just a little fancier. It’s a simple “recipe” for the month of August. It’s a recipe for a healthy snack and  a little fun.

Walmart – HIC Wavy Crinkle Cutting Tool

Categories: Blog, Food IDEAS