Watch Me Grow!

Here is a GoodGrandma℠ IDEA for Grandma’s! Watch your grandchildren grow. Create a measuring growth chart in your own home. Find a location that will work to mark the growth of the kids when they come to visit. If you would rather not write on a wall or doorframe, you can always make a measuring chart out of wood to hang in a room or closet.

We have a few examples, as well as our own measuring wall in our pantry. The rule in our home is you must be a blood relative. It got a little out of hand and we had friends galore on the wall and it got a little too confusing. I painted over the wall, but first marked the grandkids and family members measurements on paper, and then wrote them back up on the wall.

This is an inexpensive and enjoyable activity to do with your grandkids. It’s also exciting to see the height difference year to year. However, because I am vertically challenged, may I remind you that it isn’t always quantity that counts, but quality.

Amazon ~ Height Growth Chart Ruler for Kids

All Modern ~ Wood Wall Ruler Growth Chart

Personalization Mall ~ Personalized Growth Chart

Pottery Barn Kids ~ Personalized Growth Charts

Categories: Blog, Fun IDEAS