Soon-to-be Grandma by Guest Grandma, Grandma Kim

New babies are a new experience for me. I never had a baby of my own. I wanted to but, my life didn’t work out that way.  I was lucky to be 12 years old when my baby sister was born. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I wanted to play with her all the time. I was there when she opened her eyes for the first time. I could make her laugh. I changed diapers, watched her, protected her, teased her, walked her into the ocean for her first time, and just loved watching her grow up. This is my only experience with babies.

When I married my husband I was lucky to have a 14-year-old daughter as part of the package deal. Sara and I became friends. I love her like she is my own. However, she isn’t mine and I honor the relationship she has with her mother and would never undermine it. Today my sweet step-daughter is having a daughter of her own. I am filled with excitement and apprehension at the prospect of her being in pain and I can’t be there. I want to comfort and take care of her and her husband. Her Mom is with her and that is as it should be. Her husband is by her side and I’m glad she has that support. I feel like there is nothing I can do to take care of her as I am a state away.

I think I am feeling what I think most grandparents feel. I’m realizing that we have to trust our kids to be the grown-ups, whether we think they are ready or not. I will put my faith in God that my prayers on their behalf are being heard and that they will be okay and be able to handle things as a new mom. At this point, they have no idea how hard life can get, and that is probably a blessing.  I just hope, with all my heart, that they will have an easier time than we did. I hope most of all that my step-daughter is surrounded by peaceful, supportive, and decent family members when she is beginning the parenthood journey. This very moment I await the news of this new sweet girl into our flock.  She is very lucky to have such a big family that loves her already. I know a soon to be grandpa plans on spoiling his granddaughter rotten and loving her immensely, and I, I hope to be a GoodGrandma!