Sewing Circle by Guest Grandma, Grandma Karen

Eighteen of our twenty grandchildren live on the East coast and we live in Utah, so I donโ€™t really get to do a lot of the obvious grandparent activities like sleepovers and other activities. The best thing I ever did was to buy a bunch of embroidery hoops, squares of white fabric, needles, iron on transfers and embroidery floss and take them with me to Maryland. Seven children, 5 girls, 2 boys chose a design and I taught them how to embroidery. The most amazing thing happened while I taught them the different stitches and served as steady needle threader. For a solid three hours, those seven children and I sat in a circle, sewed and visited together. Those sweet kids talked about anything and everything with the rest of them sharing views. There was no TV nor electronic devices, just good communication on their level. It was the most successful thing I have ever done with my grandkids. For a brief moment, I got a glimpse back in time and the value of a sewing circle. Try it!