Reason to Celebrate ~ The Zoo

National Zoo Lovers Day!

Who doesn’t love a visit to the zoo? Today is National Zoo Lovers Day and a “Reason to Celebrate!” GoodGrandma℠ recently visited a local zoo with two granddaughters and her awesome helper, Lauren. We had a wonderful time!

I’m pleased my children are animal lovers. I love animals too. Each of my children have chosen a favorite animal, for a variety of different reasons. Courtney loves giraffes! 🦒 This love started years ago when she attended a summer girls camp, and her group were the giraffes. Her husband surprised her on her birthday and gave her the opportunity to feed the giraffes. It was just them, the giraffe caretaker, and the giraffes. It was a perfect gift for our giraffe lover. Courtney has passed on her love for giraffes to her daughter, Raegan. Raegan chose a giraffe stuffed animal and named him Giraffey.

Paige loves elephants! 🐘 Paige even based a semester abroad on a location where she could have a chance to get up close and personal with elephants. She went to Thailand. She had the opportunity, not only to ride elephants, but to bathe them. A dream come true! Madison loves rhinoceros. 🦏 She says rhinos are fat unicorns. 🦄 She has a point (no pun intended). 😂 Rhinos also reminder her of dinosaurs, and dinosaurs are cool. 🦕

Andrew thinks bears are best, all kinds of bears. 🐻 Personally, I would agree. I love watching the Polar Bears. They look so soft and cuddly, and they are so playful. Lauren, being the fifth child, had four fewer animals to choose from or claim as her favorite. She went with the cat family; tigers, panthers, leopards, cheetahs, and lions. 🐈 🐆 🐅 They are quick and powerful. That describes our Lauren.

Dolphins are Papa Rich’s favorite. 🐬 As for me, I think gorillas fascinating. 🦍 I also find eagles remarkable. 🦅 However, who doesn’t love watching the monkeys? 🙈🙉🙊 A visit to the zoo is a perfect activity for animal lovers, as well as children of all ages.

#GoodGrandma #NationalZooLoversDay #Zoo #LoveAnimals #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #ReasonToCelebrate #FavoriteAnimal #LoveTheZoo