Reason to Celebrate ~ Teachers

National Teacher Appreciation Day

GoodGrandma℠ decided to do some addition for Teacher Appreciation Day. FYI, I come from a family of educators. I was curious, how many years have we taught combined? Here’s a little story problem for you. Eight family members teach school. They each have taught for a number of years. As of today, the most any one teacher taught was 35 years. When you add the years together, you realize they have educated for a very long time! The solution to the equation is greater than the sum of 120 years of teaching!

You have to admit, that’s impressive! However, what’s even more extraordinary is the number of lives they have influenced!

Some may say anyone can be a teacher, but I disagree. To be a truly GREAT teacher, like my family members, you need patience, respect, enthusiasm, creativity, and passion. You also need to be clever, bright, resourceful, strong, kind, subtle, intense, and giving. I have many favorite teachers of my own, my children’s teachers, and now my grandchildren’s teachers. However, these seven (not counting me) are by far the ones I love most!

  • Dad ~ 35 years/University
  • Mom ~ 21 years/1st and 2nd grade
  • Sister ~ 21 years/Elementary Resource
  • Brother-in-law ~ 19 years/3rd and 4th grade
  • Sister-in-law ~ 14 years/Junior High and 4th grade
  • Brother ~ 5 years/5th grade, University, and US Citizenship Class
  • Nephew ~ 2 years/6th grade and 4th grade
  • ME ~ 3 years/2nd grade and Kindergarten

#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #NationalTeacherAppreciationDay #Teachers #ReasonToCelebrate #TeacherAppreciation #FamilyOfEducators #ILoveMyFamily #WayToGo #TeachersRock #ThankATeacher