Reason to Celebrate ~ Smiles

National Smile Day! 😁

Have you ever asked a Grandma about her grandchildren and instantly been shown albums of pictures of her little cutie pies? Or been told story after story of sweet anecdotes of her little angels? Have you ever noticed her face as she shares her treasures? She’s SMILING!!!

There isn’t anything that makes me SMILE more than thinking about my grandchildren! I love each and every one of them! They make my heart happy! Today is an easy day to celebrate for Grandmas, it’s National Smile Day!

GoodGrandma℠ suggests humoring Grandmas today. Allow them the opportunity to tell you all about their bundles of joy! Allow them the chance to SMILE, and who knows, maybe you’ll SMILE too!

#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #NationalHolidays #Smile #NationalSmileDay #Cheese #HappySmilingFaces #LoveMyGrandChildren #ReasonToCelebrate