Puzzle Ornaments

DIY Puzzle Ornaments

A GoodGrandma℠ has a fun, easy, and inexpensive IDEA for Christmas ornaments or friend gifts for the kiddos. I bought a puzzle on our recent trip to the East Coast of the autumn leaves. I set up the puzzle on my puzzle board and worked on  completing the outside edges and bridge. Then, as I had done before, I covered the puzzle board with a blanket to keep the dogs from bugging it while I was away. However, Polo likes to eat paper, as well as other items dogs shouldn’t eat, and of course he got up under the blanket and ate about eight or nine side pieces of my puzzle! Dang dog! Side note: If it had been one of Jane’s puzzles, Polo would no longer be alive!

Anyway, I didn’t want to just throw the puzzle away. It was one of those really nice and thick puzzles with traditional puzzle shaped pieces. I don’t like the puzzles with the strange shaped pieces. If you do puzzles, you know what I mean. So, I took the puzzle pieces and started gluing them together to create wreathes and hearts to use as DIY Puzzle Ornaments. I’m quite pleased with how they turned out! Although, I feel like I am more excited about the ornaments than Lauren, who, by the way, will be giving them to her girl friends with a sweet little note saying,”I love you to pieces.” Awe, so cute!

A lot of times you can make simple ornaments or cute gifts with items you already have in your home. I met a smart and spunky grandma who used up her old paints and nail polish to make her own DIY Ornaments with her grandkids. She bought clear ornaments and the kids opened them up and put the paints and polish inside and spun them around to create colorful and creative Christmas ornaments. Easy, inexpensive, and a great activity to do with your favorite little people.