October 2018 Activity of the Month

GoodGrandma℠ had her monthly scheduled play date with these cute gals and we decided to have some fun and do a painting project for Halloween. Our craft we did together was a simple paper plate spider. The girls chose the color for their spider from the washable paints I had brought from home. We then laid out the materials we needed, put on old clothing or a painting smock, and got painting.

The girls each painted the bottom side of two plates. Then we set them on the stove, turned on the fan, and played while they dried. The drying station (the stove) was a great idea to speed up the drying process. Once the plates were dry we added googly eyes to the bottom one of the plates. We talked about how many eyes a spider has and watched YouTube videos about spiders. We also practiced counting to eight several times. We also had a discussion about how spiders are good and we shouldn’t be frightened of them. It was a great lesson to go along with our project.

After the eyes dried, we prepared to staple the plates together. While putting the tops of the plates toward each other we added pipe cleaner legs. The girls chose the color of their eight legs from the variety of pipe cleaners I brought from home. We talked about how many legs spiders have and referenced the videos we watched about how spiders use their legs. At the top of the spider plate we bent a single pipe cleaner in half to create a place to hang the spider. Last, but not least, we hung the spiders to scare mom when she returned home.

In addition to the educational spider videos we also watched fun YouTube videos about Lucas the Spider, he is adorable, and so are my granddaughters!

Paper Plate Spiders

I Heart Crafty Things