March 2019 App of the Month


The app of the month at GoodGrandma℠ is Duolingo. It’s a fun educational app that is a “scientifically proven way to master a language.” The ultimate goal of the app is to provide access to a private language tutor through technology.

Duolingo has made learning a new language easy through fun bite-size lessons. There are over 30 different languages available for FREE! Language education, with no hidden fees, no and premium content. However, upgrading for $9.99 month, Duolingo Plus offers no ads and off line access.

GoodGrandma has been working on learning Spanish. It’s a slow painful process for someone much older. For the youngsters, it’s easy and addicting. Lauren, age 13, is mastering lesson after lesson and throughly enjoying learning a new language.

Categories: Blog, Tech Savvy IDEAS

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