Hopscotch IDEA!

The grandkids are back in school and GoodGrandma℠ has a learning activity IDEA! Hopscotch! It’s educational and fun! Melissa & Doug, a GoodGrandma Approved toy company, has a hopscotch rug that is great for indoor play. For outside, sidewalk chalk is a quick and easy way to make a memory with the grandkids.

Hopscotch in Your (Grand)Child’s Development

“If hopscotch was good enough for the Romans, it’s good enough for (grand)children too. Here’s why your kids should begin playing hopscotch today and how it benefits them:

1. It helps them master body control/flow. Hopscotch works on their dexterity, proprioception, and hand-eye coordination

2. It helps them socialize or bond with other kids. It’s a game that’s designed to make kids get along each other and compete in a healthy way

3. Hopscotch for kids has been proven to be an effective way of building up muscle strength, agility, and speed

4. It makes them move more and keeps them in shape. Kids will enjoy the different patterns and movements and want to keep coming back to the game

5. It’s perfect for beginners since it’s very easy to understand. The rules are simple and there’s nothing complicated

6. Older and younger kids alike love the game and it’s ideal for all ages. It can also be played anywhere – on your patio, backyard, school playground, etc.”

How To Play Hopscotch

“If your kids are new to hopscotch, teach them the classic rules. You can use the hopscotch diagram pictured below the instructions for inspiration.

1. Draw a traditional hopscotch diagram like the one below. (Chalk is best for asphalt and pavement outdoors. If you’re playing inside, use masking or painter’s tape.)

2. Throw a small stone, twig, beanbag, or another marker into the first square. (If it lands on a line, or outside the square, you lose your turn. Pass the marker to the following player and wait for your next turn.)

3. Hop on one foot into the first empty square, and then every subsequent empty square. Be sure to skip the one your marker is on.

4. At the pairs (4-5 and 7-8), jump with both feet.

5. At 10, hop with both feet, turn around, and head back toward the start.

6. When you reach the marked square again, pick up the marker—still on one foot!—and complete the course.

7. If you finished without any mistakes, pass the marker to the next player. On your next turn, throw the marker to the next number.

8. If you fall, jump outside the lines, or miss a square or the marker, you lose your turn and must repeat the same number on your next turn. Whoever reaches 10 first, wins.”

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Categories: Blog, Fun IDEAS