Happy Anniversary!

Four years ago today Rich and I were married! At that time, Rich had six children and nine grandchildren and I had my five children and was not yet a grandma. As of today, we have our 11 children, 7 spouses, and 15 grandchildren, with a granddaughter on the way! That makes a total of 35, almost 36, family members. All of which we are taking to California for a family vacation! It’s going to be organized chaos and so much fun!!!

In preparation for our wedding day, I asked Rich if he would be willing to take a dance class with me so we could have an official first dance. My hope was that the dinner party for family and close friends would turn into a celebration with a dance party. Rich humored me and took one dance class. We learned and practiced our dance and were excited to surprise everyone with our dance. When it was time to dance I was so nervous, but I had taken so many dance classes over the years I guess I was feeling a little too confident. I messed up and Rich did not! He was quite proud of himself for dancing without a flaw. The best part of the dance was watching Rich’s face, he was concentrating so hard, so focused, and serious that it made me laugh; he’s so cute! The wedding dinner was wonderful, from our first dance to the dance party that followed, it did turn into quite a celebration! Everyone had a great time. Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!

Engagement Photos

Wedding Photos

Dance Party Photos