Happy 4th of JULY

Independence Day

For the 4th of July, GoodGrandma℠ has several book recommendations. We love our county, our flag, and our freedoms! We are grateful for those who defend and protect our great Nation. Today, we celebrate America, the land of the free, the home of the brave!

GoodGrandma loves our National Anthem, as well as The Pledge or the Allegiance! Respect and reverence is a must when we sing or recite them! We feel it’s essential to teach this to our posterity! When our flag goes by, we rise and put our hand on our heart. With the anthem; we stand, and honor those who have fought or are fighting for our freedoms. Here are a few books to read with our grandkids about America! 🇺🇸

GoodGrandma Book Recommendations

Happy Independence Day! ~ GoodGrandma 👵🏼🧡💡

#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #HappyIndependenceDay #HappyFourthOfJuly #Freedom #LetFreedomRing #AmericaTheBeautiful #ThePledgeAllegiance #TheFlagWeLove #IPledgeAllegiance #RedWhiteAndBlue #FloatsForTheFourth