Goodbye 2019 ~ Hello 2020!

GoodGrandma℠ is looking forward to the New Year, as well as lots of new IDEAS here at GoodGrandma for grandparents everywhere. GoodGrandma is a place for grandmas and grandpas to share information and stories, all with the purpose of becoming better grandparents. We are a whole new generation of tech-savvy grandmothers; okay, not as tech savvy as our grandchildren, but more so than the generation that came before us. We can use technology to become better grandparents. We can use it to keep track of our grandchildren and to make sure we are there for those special moments, to help nurture them and share life experiences like never before. We are passionate about grandparenting. We know there is no such thing as a perfect grandparent, but we want to have meaningful fun with our grandchildren and be “goodgrandparents.” Formerly, grandmothers talked over the back fence; now the back fence is the world!

We would love for you to share your IDEAS! Be a Guest Grandma or Spotlight your GoodGrandma, and join the fun!

#GoodGrandma #Grandma #GoodGrandmaDotCom #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #Nana #Papa #Granny #GreatGrandma #Grandkids #GrandBabies #GrandParenting #GrandmaFun #GrandChildren #HappyNewYear