GG Spotlight ~ Nanna 💡

GoodGrandma is pleased to introduce and spotlight Nanna Kristie. Nanna Kristie is mother to four and grandmother to three adorable granddaughters. When Nanna learned she was going to be a grandma, she was overwhelmed with joy! Her daughter suffers from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Which means she doesn’t ovulate. A PCOS Doctor was able to help Kristie’s daughter, and Kristie became and Nanna.

Nanna Kristie is new to the world of Grandmothering and is just getting started in building traditions with her little princesses. Her oldest daughter lives out of state, so when they come to visit, their oldest granddaughter gets to sleep in Nanna’s bed. Papa gets kicked in the back a lot! He can sleep on the couch if he wants. 😆

One very important event is storytime on Portal from Facebook. This is the best bonding tool ever! This allows Nanna Kristie to read real books with graphics and sound effects to her granddaughters, and they love it! Nanna Kristie uses the graphics to superimpose the little pig’s face or other characters over her own face. It makes storytime unforgettable. Nanna Kristie is grateful for technology to help stay in touch with her daughter and granddaughters. In her opinion, the best tool for faraway grandparenting is Facebook Portal. She said, “It’s like you are in their living room and they are in yours!”

As for as time her granddaughters who live out of state, they try to get together in person at least once a quarter. Both in-person and on Facebook Portal, Nanna Kristie has the grandmothering role down. Her attention is on her granddaughters. She told us, she needs a reminder to also visit with her daughter as well. 😂 Oh how easily those cute grandkids can consume your attention!!!

Nanna Kristie loves getting them to sleep in her own bed for at naptime. When the little ones snuggle to fall asleep, she turns on Super Simple Songs Nursery Rhymes & Lullabies on YouTube, and then everyone gets a little nap.

As far as holiday and birthday traditions, Nanna Kristie is again just getting started with the celebrations. However, Nanna Kristie does have an awesome IDEA we must share! When Nanna’s daughter was pregnant with her first grandbaby, Nanna made a board book about herself and Papa. Ever since her granddaughter could hold the book, she carries it around every day. When taking her 25-minute commute to the nanny’s, three times a week, her granddaughter is sure to have the special book in hand. Although they live three states away, Nanna’s granddaughter recognizes and knows Papa and Nanna.

Nanna also enjoys her weekly Sunday visits on Facebook Portal. This allows her the opportunity to talk with her granddaughter about church and share stories of Jesus. Nanna Kristie would do anything for her granddaughters. In fact, when her daughter-in-law suffered from postpartum depression, Nanna Kristie helped take care of her new granddaughter. Whether it is day or night, Nanna Kristie is ready and willing to help any way possible.

Nanna Kristie’s wish as grandma is to ensure her grandkids know they are unconditionally loved. She wants to make her home a place they love to visit. Here is her plan:

Always have gum, treats, books to read, pages to color, movies to watch, and a good dose of laughter (Papa’s expertise). My main goal is to always show excitement to see them and undivided attention. When they are here, while I am relatively young, I want to get on the floor with them and be silly with them. I didn’t do enough of that as a parent!

Nanna Kristie

Thank you, Nanna Kristie, for allowing us to spotlight you! You have wonderful IDEAS! You are definitely a GoodGrandma!

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