GG Spotlight ~ Grandma Jolyn 💡

Say hello to Grandma Jolyn. Grandma Jolyn is in a unique position in that she is grand-mothering, as well as still mothering. She and Grandpa Mark have children and grandchildren ranging from 1 to 39 years. Mother to seven, four step-children, and grandma to nine! There is never a dull moment in the life of Grandma Jolyn!

Grandma Jolyn embraced the role of Grandma. Her philosophy is, “I’m not in charge of anything; I just love them!” Isn’t that the best part of being a grandma? When it comes to events at their home, Jolyn and Mark have an “open-door” and “open-invitation” policy. This works best, considering the numbers in their family. As far as activities and events outside the home, they like to do more one-on-one activities with individuals and family groups; otherwise, it becomes too chaotic and way too expensive with the entire crowd. They try to keep events and activities fair amongst the kids. As far as attending grandchildren’s performances, games, and such, they do their best to attend everything they are invited to.

Grandma Jolyn shares a few IDEAS with us.

  • Birthdays ~ One-on-one celebrations, like a Mystery Room for a grandson’s 16th birthday.
  • Excursions ~ Trips to local attractions; zoo, aquarium, library, train station, amusement parks, etc. 
  • Games ~ Favorites include: Kubb, Wackee Six, Skyjo, and Battle of the UFO’s.
  • Vacations ~ Find time to create memorable experiences.

Grandma Jolyn hosts a weekly family dinner at her home. Everyone is invited! She mentioned the attendance fluctuates, but she embraces whoever attends. Being a young-hearted, supportive, and involved grandma is Jolyn’s goal. Grandma Jolyn is a kind, accepting, and easy-going mom and grandma. She balances both roles with grace and love. We love you, Grandma Jolyn! 👵🏻🧡💡

#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #Spotlight #GrandmaJolyn #KUBB #WACKEESIX #SKYJO #BattlesOfTheUFOs #BigFamily #LOVE