GG Parenting Series ~ Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles

GoodGrandma℠ would like to introduce a series of parenting/grand-parenting posts. Our first “GG Parenting Series” post is a friendly reminder of the different types and styles of parenting. In an article entitled Why Parenting Styles Matter When Raising Children from the website Very Well Mind, a very beneficial website, parenting styles are analyzed as follows:

  • Authoritarian: Generally lead to children who are obedient and proficient, but rank lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem.
  • Authoritative: Tend to result in children who are happy, capable, and successful.
  • Permissive: Often results in children who rank low in happiness and self-regulation. These children are more likely to experience problems with authority and tend to perform poorly in school.
  • Uninvolved: Rank lowest across all life domains. These children tend to lack self-control, have low self-esteem, and are less competent than their peers.

As you look back in time, are you able to recall what type of parenting style you tended to favor? Can you determine the parenting style of your own children? If your adult children parent differently than you, does that mean you parented incorrectly? It is certain that none of us parents perfectly.

While I parented, I tried to love, teach, and support my children. It was definitely trial and error, and I recognize I was not flawless by any means, but I did work hard and did the best I could. Watching my only children as they parent, I am proud of them. They are already doing a better job than I did. I understand they are still new to parenting, but they are already setting rules and boundaries—and they loving their children. Isn’t that all we really want? Knowing I didn’t parent perfectly, watching children parent differently than I did is okay by me. Their hearts are right—and know their children best.

Additional upcoming posts in our “GG Parenting Series” include:

  • Supporting Your Child as they Parent
  • Supporting Your Child’s Desire to Be A Parent
  • Supporting Your Child Through a Divorce
  • Supporting Your Child As a Single Parent
  • How to Be a Good Step-Grandma
  • How to Be a Good Adoptive Grandma

We look forward to our parenting/grand-parenting series and hope you will contribute by sharing your IDEAS.

For additional parenting insights, visit Parents’ Wish List and check out their article on What Type of Parent Are you? Parenting Styles and Their Effects On Children.