Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

GoodGrandma℠ would like to let you all know the Valentine’s items are at the stores! We have been busy shopping for deals and getting bags ready to give the grand kiddos for February 14th.

Let’s talk for a minute about why Jane doesn’t like Valentines… Many years ago there was a young pudgy adorable little girl, we shall call her “Lane.”

‘Twas the night before Valentines and she wanted to get all her Valentines ready to give to her 5th grade classmates. She worked all night selecting the PERFECT conversation hearts for each of her fellow peers. Especially her crush. She had them all done and in her Valentine box. She was ready to give them out, and went to bed filled with anticipation for the next day. Well, the next day came alright. She awoke to her dog Pepper, eating the hearts out of the envelopes. They were all ruined and she didn’t have the time to do anymore. She went to school with half eaten Valentines.

Yes, you may all wipe away the tears now. She obviously still hasn’t gotten over it. But hey, it can be an awesome holiday for your grandkids. Grandma Yoo-hoo, my mother, still leaves the kids their Valentine’s on the porch and runs. I just hold the kids back a little longer now so she can scoot out of sight.

Here are a few suggestions for gifts for Valentine’s Day:

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