February 2019 GG Monthly Newsletter

February, My Favorite Month

February is my favorite month. Mostly because it’s my birthday month, but also because it’s the month of Valentine’s, as well as President’s Day. Papa Rich loves Abraham Lincoln and we celebrate his birthday this month too.

With all of that said, I would like to give you a deeper understanding to why the month of February is special to me. Years ago, when things weren’t so rosy in my personal life, I found myself thinking the worst, all gloom and doom. The weather this time of year, didn’t help. It’s like Papa Rich says, “It’s like Narnia, always winter and never Christmas.”

I realized I didn’t like the feelings I was having, and I wasn’t fun to be around. It was time to make a change. My Great Aunt Rhea, who passed away at the age of 99, although she didn’t sugar coat her words, she was generally an upbeat and positive person. Side note: When she was nearing her last days and she fell from her bed, in the house she was born, she waited until someone came by to help her up. Her comment, “At least I could see out the window and look at the beautiful sky.” She was a great example to me. I decided to make a conscious effort to be positive and to look for the good each and every day.

At first it wasn’t easy, but the more I tried and the more time I worked at it, the better things got. Life was better, my kids were happier, and I was happier. Today, I still try to make an effort to be positive. It’s easy to be positive when life doesn’t give you challenges and hurdles to overcome, but a positive attitude can serve you well when you are amiss trials.

For me, February is a month of love and being positive. It’s a time to be happy and share more love with your children, grandchildren, spouse, as well as even loving and being happy with yourself. My advice for February, look for the good in your life, find the silver-lining, and be positive.

Categories: Blog