Beach Towels ~ Easter Gifts

We give the grandkids Easter gifts every year and for the past few years its been a beach towel from Costco. We wanted to give them a gift with a purpose and a beach towel can be used at the pool, beach, a picnic, or running through the sprinklers in their own backyard. To personalize the towels, I had my mom, Grandma Connie (The Original GoodGrandma), put their names on their towels. This made it easy to know whose towel was whose when we get all together. The towels last a long time and are so well made, we needed to switch up the Easter gift this year. This year I was going to do flip flops, sunscreen, and a water toy, but instead, I decided to embrace our Disney themed year. The grandkids will be getting a Disney gift for Easter this year! I can’t share it here, I don’t want to give away the surprise!