Back to School Book Recommendation by Book Guru Grandma Judy

Hey! What happened to summer? We say that every year, but W.H.A.T is happening? The older I get, the more summer is on speed dial! Oh, well. It’s time to send those kiddos off to that academy of the very nervous. I used to cry when I took my little ones outside, all dressed for the first day of school, and would take their picture. I could hardly see through the lens. But of course, I did adjust; so much so that I cried the first day of summer break!

A very reassuring book by Audrey Penn is a good one to read to the little ones before school starts. It’s called The Kissing Hand, and I hope you have heard of it. Mother Raccoon kisses the paw of her child starting school, and tells him, “Whenever you feel lonely and need a little love from home, just press your hand to your cheek and think; Mommy loves you, Mommy loves you.” Chester is magically comforted and leaves for school! This is a five star book and is for ages three to eight. Very reassuring for all occasions when children are worried about being away from home.

Remember the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, illustrations by Felicia Bond? There’s one called If You Take a Mouse to School. I love these books, and so do the children. It would be a fun one to share with them.

And…it’s hard to top Mo Willems books! You remember the first one, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus? Well, he has a new one called The Pigeon Has to go to School. This would be so fun to read to kids, because the pigeon doesn’t think he needs to go to school because he already knows everything. We find that he worries about all the things that kids really do worry about. He mentions that school starts in the morning, and we know how he is in the morning, and it isn’t pretty. What if the teacher doesn’t like pigeons? What if he learns too much? His head might pop off. What about all that stuff? So much stuff to learn! What if it’s hard? What if there’s math, or numbers? Why are there so many letters in the alphabet? What about lunch? Will the finger paint stick to his feathers?  And…how do I get there? It’s a lot of fun. Really.  Your kiddos will LOVE it!

Closing thought by the author Meghan Cox Gurdon, “To read aloud to someone you love is the simplest of gifts, and one of the greatest.” Catch y’all later! You rock! Don’t believe me, just ask your grand-darlings.

#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #BookRecommendation #TheKissingHand #AudreyPenn #IfYouTakeAMouseToSchool #FeliciaBond #ThePigeonHasToGoToSchool #MoWillems #MeghanCoxGurdon #BookGuru #GrandmaJudy #BackToSchool #MakesMeSadAndHappy #Cry #NotCry