March 2018 App of The Month

As we try to be a tech-savvy Grandma, we like to have apps on my phone for grandchildren of all ages. The following app is a suggestion for naptime, bedtime, or a much needed quiet time for kids or us, Grandmas. Sleepy Sounds, by OwenTech, is an app we have used on many occasions. It has four choices: lullabies, white noise, nature sounds, or your own music. It also gives you the option to choose how long it plays. When we watch a fussy grandbaby, we play Sleepy Sounds to calm them. we have used it at their bedtime and recently used it during bedtime at a church youth group overnighter when chaperoning. They thought it was a cute touch to bedroom check. GoodGrandma highly recommends downloading this app.


Categories: Blog, Tech Savvy IDEAS