National Gardening Day!
GoodGrandma℠ was on the ball this year and already has the garden planted, even before National Gardening Day! This year we decided to start from seeds, rather than seedlings or starters. We planted four different types of tomatoes, two different peppers, and some zucchini. We also have a garden box in Grandma’s Garden of berries for the grandkids; strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
Here are a few questions to consider when planting a garden:
- Location ~ Where is the best place for a garden? Will the garden be secure from animals, and is easily accessible?
- Sunlight ~ Does the garden get adequate sunlight and what time of the day does it get sunlight?
- Soil ~ What is the soil like in your garden area? Does it need additional soil?
- Water ~ How will the garden be watered and how often? Will it be watered by hand or have a drip system?
- Fertilizer ~ Which fertilizer is best for the garden? What does the soil need to make it rich in nutrients for the plants to grow?
- Plants ~ Will starting from seeds or starters be best? What fruits and/or vegetables will be grown?
- Planting ~ When will the seeds or starters be planted? Is it early or late in the season?
Every year I tell myself I’m going to track which tomatoes grow best. This year I labeled the tomatoes, as well as the other vegetables. Hopefully I’ll have something to report come harvesting season! Until then, Happy National Gardening Day from GoodGrandma! Happy Planting!
#GoodGrandma #GivingGrandmasGoodIdeas #Gardening #NationalGardeningDay #ReasonToCelebrate #PlantAGarden #GrandmasGarden
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