It’s that time of year, to get ready to go BACK TO SCHOOL! What can Grandmas do to help with the back to school shopping? We have some suggestions. You could offer to watch little ones while mom takes older kids shopping. Perhaps you can take grandchildren to buy their shoes, thus giving you some one on one time with each grandchild and helping with one of the more expensive purchases when heading back to school. You could buy tissues or hand sanitizer in bulk and offer some to each of the grandchildren to take to school. When I was teaching, I was very grateful for the supplies that were sent in to our classroom.
GoodGrandma℠ recently asked on social media your thought on helping with school shopping. We would like to share some of your comments. We love these Good Ideas!
- “My mom bought school supplies for our boys for K thru some of the college years, and now I’m doing it for my grandkids. We make a day of it. So much fun.”
- “Always try to help out my daughter whenever I can.”
- “One fun thing that my mom has done for her grandkids each year, before school starts, is to take them shopping for a new school outfit.”
- “If they are able to help it would be nice!”
When my mom would visit us from out of state, around back to school time, she would buy some of the supplies. She liked to buy the kids lunch boxes so they would remember her everyday! Then, to help me, she would put the supplies into piles by separating them out and crossing the items off the class list. I think that part saved me more than anything!
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